Solutions for Provider Organizations

Monitoring your reimbursement contracts helps ensure your physicians are being adequately and competitively compensated while staying proportional to Medicare and other relevant benchmarks. Our tools and services can help ACOs, CINs, IPAs, PHOs and all other types of provider groups.


Packed with analysis and reporting tools, FS App can be accessed by your providers 24/7. FS App stores all of your organizations physician fee schedules and contracts and designates access for your entire network roster. FS App is powered by our proprietary claims warehouse with over 110 specialties and 22 million claim units. Perfect for CINs, IPAs, PHOs and other physician organizations.

Packed with analysis and reporting tools, our cloud-based fee schedule application can be accessed by your providers 24/7. FS App stores all of your organizations physician contracts/fee schedules and controls access for your entire network roster. FS App is powered by our proprietary claims warehouse with over 110 specialties and 22 million claim units. Perfect for CINs, IPAs, PHOs and other organizations.


Securely store and display your payer fee schedules at the CPT level alongside Medicare. Customize access at the user level.


Compare and evaluate each fee schedule using our default or your custom utilization. Use FS App to check claims payments.


Review contract participation and opt-in/out in a streamlined manner. Re-evaluate fee schedules as the payers make periodic updates.


Tailor your system by selecting from over 110 default specialties with utilization or create your own. Users can create and export custom CPT lists and utilization.


Securely store and display your payer fee schedules at the CPT level alongside Medicare. Customize access at the user level.


Compare and evaluate each fee schedule using our default or your custom utilization. Use FS App to check claims payments.


Review contract participation and opt-in/out in a streamlined manner. Re-evaluate fee schedules as the payers make periodic updates.


Run reports to review user affiliation, evaluate contracts at the specialty & CPT code level, export full schedules, manage rosters and more.


Available add-on modules include fee schedule affiliated notes section, messenger model functionality, admin controlled news & events portal and more.


Tailor your system by selecting from over 110 default specialties with utilization or create your own. Users can create and export custom CPT lists and utilization.


Run reports to review user affiliation, evaluate contracts at the specialty & CPT code level, export full schedules, manage rosters and more.


Available add-on modules include fee schedule affiliated notes section, messenger model functionality, admin controlled news & events portal and more.

Fee Schedule Analysis & Development

For more ad-hoc projects, these tools and services can help you compile and analyze existing or prospective fee schedules. Customize your project analysis by specialty, cpt category, payer, or any other way you require.

FS Development

Construct comprehensive fee schedules for all current CPT and HCPCS codes. Schedules can be tailored by specialty, CPT category or any other parameter you need.

FS Evaluation

Evaluate your existing or prospective fee schedules using our default or your custom utilization. Sort the analysis by CPT code, specialty or any other desired method.

FS Target

Set a reimbursement target and we'll develop a fee schedule that ensures you'll reach a comfortable level of compensation. Incorporate a custom utilization for an even better fit.

FS Compare

Compare old fee schedules to new, one specialty to another, one payer to another or measure against regional Medicare, Medicaid or other benchmark.

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